First & foremost, I can't believe I had been pranked(?) !! :c
Kimah went to the "bilik gigi(?)" then when she came back, we had a conversation.
Kymah: Sarah, nama awk kne panggil..ramai lagi budak kls kite yg kena sbenarnye
Me: Dh mane kad aku nyer?
Kymah: Ade kt sane..I x bwk balik..
and so..I went there.. I talked to the nurse. Is she a nurse or a dentist?? O__O
Me: Kawan kate nme sy kne panggyl..
Nurse: Name adek ape?
Me: Sarah Mohd Nor, kls 5b..
Then they searched for my card..
Nurse: Xde pown kad adek.. Ke diorang amek bwk g kls?
Me: Aikk?? Kawan kate mmg ade kt cni..Sbb dye x bwk skaly blik kls..
Then another nurse searched the card for me..
Nurse 2: Xde lah adek..kawan adek wt maen kowt..
Me: X logyk.. (confidently)
Nurse: Xpe lah adek, kad adek xde. Adek x kne panggyl la 2 kot
Me: Okay kl mmg btoi kne panggyl, sy mls dtg balik :p
Nurse: Eyh, x aci la mcm 2..
Me: Hehehe..k a,sy balik kls lu..time kaseh..
Nurse: Same2~
Then I went into my class..
Me: Kymah ! Nurse kate xde pown nme aku..
Kymah: Larr..caye kew? Orang tipu jew..x sangke dye cye btoi2..
Curse you Kymah *clenched fist tightly*
Then I strangled her and hit her !! WTF?? I went to that bilik gigi then talk with the nurse !! I really thought my name was there !! KYMAH I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!
hahahh..okay...I cut the rest of the post..why, you may ask? bcuz internet is the most dangerous place. really, I'm not lying :)