3 Hours at TER

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yeay at last my dream came true ^^ I played bowling at TER with 2 girls ONLY?? ok long story, my gang supposed to be 5 buh 2 of them couldn't come & the guys came late so... let's just start from beginning..I woke up at.. errr, 8:30am *embarassed* lol so late then I quickly took my bath. I dunno how long I spent there (in the bath room) buh I heard my mom said it's 9:20am ard so omg I bathed about 50 minutes? @_@so i quickly get out after finished everything rushly then i saw the clock. it's only 9:05am. argh whatever. When I'm on my way to my room, I heard my mom is welcoming someone. omg ! They're here ard? I'm still wearing towels ! :OSo I peeked at stairs then I saw Tymoh & Malyn were walking inside my house. Argh they were so quick ! So I asked them to wait for me since there was still many things I gotta do. Drying my hair, ironing my cloth & scarf, & bla bla bla.Hence, my mom sent me at about 9:45am. Arrived there, heck we were so hungry ! my mom ard gv me money 2 treat Tym & Malyn buh Ter's cafe only sell drinks at that time. So we were just jalan bodo while waiting for bowling to open.10:05am, we were the only 1 who played bowling wow so cheap RM19.50 for 3 people =Dso.. at 1st, hurmm.. we were so idiot cuz dunno how to erase the number of player at the TV thing. lol so the worker helped us.1st round, I got 1 then 8. The 2nd round is also like dat. Buh I love the 3rd round the most ! I striked ! wow ! My 1st strike XD buh the next round my ball went inside the longkang if i'm not mistaken.Then Mirol & E-din came. Buh since the game was ard start so they just sat there playing guitar lol XDthe 9th round, I got 9. then I didn't make the 1 more pin fell down. argh so sad T_T buh the final round.. wow so happy !I striked then Mirol Naim widened his eyes & called E-din "weyh2, ye strike weyh" (wthell?) he suprised that I strike. how could him? lol XDso this is the 2nd time I played bowling, & my score is 65. 1st time I played, my score is 37. So yay I'm improving. hee ;Dafter that we were extremely hungry buh the cafe still didn't sell any food @_@ so we just bought mango drinks. whee =D after that.. KARAOKE TIME !!Mirol dun hv small money so do I so I use his money to buy token. The total tokens are 11. So girls took 7 while guys took 4 only lol XD the 1st song we sang is Ungu - Demi Waktu.2nd: Peterpan - MenunggumuBuh then we were so bored there's no DBSK's songs so I played DBSK songs thru my hp then we all sang together lol XD We sang Last Angel & Hug ^^Buh then Mirol came to pick his 'princess' so I was left with Malyn in that small room. So we sang Here We Go, The Day You Went Away, Sofaz - Janjiku lmao XDAfter that we went to toilet then bought another 2 tokens. We sang Titanic (omg the pitch was sucks) & Britney - Lucky. Then I called my mom then she picked us then sent Malyn home. So Tym stayed at my house until 6pm. We did add math a lil. lol XDso that's it. There were lots of pple shud come buh they can't. Fitri said he wanted to kacau budak amek result SPM. lol XD Then Yana was in Pahang, Faten's mother didn't allow her to go, Pudin dun wanna go since Faten's not comin (wthell?) & bla bla more i forgot ard lol XD
o yeah, d pix. lol XD
yeah ! early morning with no breakfast yet =_=
Tymoh pulled my arm @_@
This one is strike ^^ No I'm not lying ;D
I forgot what song we're singin. lol XD
My arm hurt cuz played bowling too much this morning. Gotta get rest now. daaaaaaaa =]
1:19 AM |
My Life

Friday, March 7, 2008
Hello there. I'm Sarah. I'm a 16 yrs old cheerfulz gurl =D but.. I'm not a very ordinary girl cuz once u know me, i'm a very loud person who loves to sing, day-dreaming & listening to song. I love spazzing over sth that i like. DBSK & SHINee !!!! =D OMG how I want SS to have a School Attack too XPPPI'm OBSESSED with my computer X) I LOVE technology ^^v Once in a month i'll change my hair style. It's COOL & I LOVE IT <3 -under construction- =)
6:10 PM |
© wyona 2008

Heyys ;] The name's Sarah. jz Sarah. short name ryt? it's weird dat I hv lots of nickname O_o I tell ya, LOTS ! hahah XD
buh I dun care. as long as they don't call me b*tch or old hag whatsoever. hmm a lil summary bout myself.
I'm Chinese + Indonesian + Siamese + a lil Arabic. Althou I'm mixed 4 of them, I got Indonesian look. mwahaha ! XD (I want Chinese look T__T)
Form 5 Sulaimanian and I don't care if u say I look like 14/15/20 whatsoever. I wanna play bowling on 16th January. haha ;D
I'm a happy-go-lucky type. Sometimes childish. okay, not sometimes but often. lolz..
also, I'm always hungry. I dunno why. it just happen that after 2 hours, if I didn't eat anything, I'll become hungry and all I wanna do is eat. lmao XD
btw, I'm quite lazy. prove? look at my unfinished homeworkS XD
3 Hours at TER

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yeay at last my dream came true ^^ I played bowling at TER with 2 girls ONLY?? ok long story, my gang supposed to be 5 buh 2 of them couldn't come & the guys came late so... let's just start from beginning..I woke up at.. errr, 8:30am *embarassed* lol so late then I quickly took my bath. I dunno how long I spent there (in the bath room) buh I heard my mom said it's 9:20am ard so omg I bathed about 50 minutes? @_@so i quickly get out after finished everything rushly then i saw the clock. it's only 9:05am. argh whatever. When I'm on my way to my room, I heard my mom is welcoming someone. omg ! They're here ard? I'm still wearing towels ! :OSo I peeked at stairs then I saw Tymoh & Malyn were walking inside my house. Argh they were so quick ! So I asked them to wait for me since there was still many things I gotta do. Drying my hair, ironing my cloth & scarf, & bla bla bla.Hence, my mom sent me at about 9:45am. Arrived there, heck we were so hungry ! my mom ard gv me money 2 treat Tym & Malyn buh Ter's cafe only sell drinks at that time. So we were just jalan bodo while waiting for bowling to open.10:05am, we were the only 1 who played bowling wow so cheap RM19.50 for 3 people =Dso.. at 1st, hurmm.. we were so idiot cuz dunno how to erase the number of player at the TV thing. lol so the worker helped us.1st round, I got 1 then 8. The 2nd round is also like dat. Buh I love the 3rd round the most ! I striked ! wow ! My 1st strike XD buh the next round my ball went inside the longkang if i'm not mistaken.Then Mirol & E-din came. Buh since the game was ard start so they just sat there playing guitar lol XDthe 9th round, I got 9. then I didn't make the 1 more pin fell down. argh so sad T_T buh the final round.. wow so happy !I striked then Mirol Naim widened his eyes & called E-din "weyh2, ye strike weyh" (wthell?) he suprised that I strike. how could him? lol XDso this is the 2nd time I played bowling, & my score is 65. 1st time I played, my score is 37. So yay I'm improving. hee ;Dafter that we were extremely hungry buh the cafe still didn't sell any food @_@ so we just bought mango drinks. whee =D after that.. KARAOKE TIME !!Mirol dun hv small money so do I so I use his money to buy token. The total tokens are 11. So girls took 7 while guys took 4 only lol XD the 1st song we sang is Ungu - Demi Waktu.2nd: Peterpan - MenunggumuBuh then we were so bored there's no DBSK's songs so I played DBSK songs thru my hp then we all sang together lol XD We sang Last Angel & Hug ^^Buh then Mirol came to pick his 'princess' so I was left with Malyn in that small room. So we sang Here We Go, The Day You Went Away, Sofaz - Janjiku lmao XDAfter that we went to toilet then bought another 2 tokens. We sang Titanic (omg the pitch was sucks) & Britney - Lucky. Then I called my mom then she picked us then sent Malyn home. So Tym stayed at my house until 6pm. We did add math a lil. lol XDso that's it. There were lots of pple shud come buh they can't. Fitri said he wanted to kacau budak amek result SPM. lol XD Then Yana was in Pahang, Faten's mother didn't allow her to go, Pudin dun wanna go since Faten's not comin (wthell?) & bla bla more i forgot ard lol XD
o yeah, d pix. lol XD
yeah ! early morning with no breakfast yet =_=
Tymoh pulled my arm @_@
This one is strike ^^ No I'm not lying ;D
I forgot what song we're singin. lol XD
My arm hurt cuz played bowling too much this morning. Gotta get rest now. daaaaaaaa =]
My Life

Friday, March 7, 2008
Hello there. I'm Sarah. I'm a 16 yrs old cheerfulz gurl =D but.. I'm not a very ordinary girl cuz once u know me, i'm a very loud person who loves to sing, day-dreaming & listening to song. I love spazzing over sth that i like. DBSK & SHINee !!!! =D OMG how I want SS to have a School Attack too XPPPI'm OBSESSED with my computer X) I LOVE technology ^^v Once in a month i'll change my hair style. It's COOL & I LOVE IT <3 -under construction- =)
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire