Result [updated]

Friday, April 25, 2008
yeay i ard know my bio marks XD n my add math XD sir increase 3 marks to everybody's paper =D so so so.. I got 3a1, 3a2, 1b3, 2b4, 1c6. lol ;D which means 6a 3b 1c ;) From the highest to lowest: EST - 90 Chemistry - 83 Modern Math - 80 English - 75 Malay - 74 Add Math - 71 Agama Islam - 66 Physics - 63 Biology - 61 History - 53 what makes me sad is that.. all my gang got a1 or a2 in history.. which i m the only 1 who got c =_= buh i m happy, cuz i got num6 in my class. & for the whole form, i got num 22. but i'm not sure yet. sum pple teacher put their marks wrongly so my number will be affected :\ daaa~ *sick*
4:45 PM |
C.H.E.S.S day 2

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just came back from Sheikh Abdul Malik School. So tired =_= SPOILER!! Better read C.H.E.S.S day 1 blog first before read this one. hee =)Today, guess what? I draw all 3 matches. lmaooo XD 4th matchKak Ummu is my opponent. She's from SS too and both of us has 3 points. So.. I asked her for a draw. Although I think my percentage of winning is 55% but still, I dun wanna take any risk so.. we both draw XD 5th matchdamn ! I almost cried. I met Ang T_T Nobody wants to be Ang's opponent. She got 1st place in peringkat negeri last year T_T & she's from SS too.. So.. I badly offer her a draw. & she was like.. see 1st but then yea she draw. omg I felt so relieve =D When playing, we only move one step then we watched other match and everybody keep asking "what r u guys doing" so we answered, "our game is a slow-motion type." lol XD but then.. if the last match I lose, then her sacrifice will be effortless(?) what is sia-sia in english? lol XD so i keep praying dat I din meet Najwa, the 1 who I always lose to her everytime we had a match =_= 6th match (final)this one... (speechless) I met Najwa !!! Arghhhhh !! But Che Mat (KTS tutor) said if we draw, then both of us will definitely got rank. So she offer me a draw, I QUICKLY accept it ! Of course, that's a chance. Cuz I noe I definitely goin 2 lose if we play seriously. So after Kak Bi & Ang won, we quickly went to the arbiter and said, "seri". XDDD So yea, all 3 games I draw, thus my points is 4.5 over 6. I got 4th place, 3rd is Najwa (she deserve it), 2nd is Kak Bi and 1st is.. who else? of course Ang XD. Hey, I din lose any match this time. Cool ;D SS individually, Cuki got 1st place for L18. 2 girls from P15 got both 2nd place and 4th place. & 1 boy from L15 got 2nd place =) For team, SS won 1st place for P18, 2nd place for L15 & P15, and for L18.. hancur ! lol XD So that's it, I'm going to representative KTS again this year, so next 2 weeks will be peringkat negeri, which so many skillful players are there. Nvm, I just wanna hv that peringkat negeri sijil, I dun mind if I lose or win, cuz that time is mid-year exam. Of course I wan 2 concentrate on exam ^^ I hope I can study well & score for my mid-year, since we hv 2 stay 3days 2nights at other school for peringkat negeri chess. wish me luck for my exam & chess !! ^^ daaa~ =D
7:05 PM |
C.H.E.S.S day 1

Monday, April 21, 2008
This evening I got chess. SS representative for P18 (girls under 18) Guess what? I won all 3 matches !! ^^ Woohoo~ XD The 1st matchwas easy, since I ate her queen. But what makes the game slow is.. bcuz I dunno how to checkmate her ! argh !! I keep check here, check there, finally, I checkmate her (damn I din rmb how =_=) The 2nd matchwas easy too, since she said she also played last year and got 2 points only so I was confident that I was going to win =D Lastly I checkmate her by Queen, helped by bishop. Before that my Knight helped me. Wa I felt so relieved ;) The 3rd matchThis one I was really over-confident. Since the way she moved her pieces was like she doesn't really think or she really had a tactic i dunno buh guess what? The game was too long so the coach gave us the clock(?) Argh I'm weak with clock ! I can't think well cuz I noe I'm gonna win but if I lose my time I was going to lose so I just walked w/o thinkin carefully. The consequences is, her Bishop ate my Queen !! Argh !! How come I din realize it?? Then her Queen ate my Knight, so I hv 2 Roots, a King and about 5 Pawns left. At that moment, I spoke to my heart "Am I going 2 lose like this?" But then,,, I saw a miracle !! Well, not really. I just realize that one of my Pawn was a step from becoming a Queen ! Chance !! I quickly naik a new Queen. Whee XD Then I checked her for bout twice, and end up defeating her by using a Queen & a Root. hee ;D Cool? not really. Ang & Cuki won all 3 matches too. SS go SS ! lmao XD Tmr will b another 3 matches. I hope I'll win all of them. I wanna represent KTS again like last year. I love last year at peringkat negeri, so fun ! We even went to Kuala Berang market at night lol XD So then, nite~ =)
9:18 PM |

Thursday, April 10, 2008
TOV exam sucks. I din study anythin. Lemme see.. The only subjects that I REALLY study are.. -Physics -Mod Math -Bio lmaooo XD let's jz go 2 results. I got 3a1, 2a2, 2b3, 1b4, 1c6. lol ;D bio... dunno yet :\ From the highest to lowest: EST - 90 Chemistry - 83 (Qura, thank u =]) Modern Math - 80 English - 75 Malay - 74 (lol for subjects Bahasa I got almost same XP) Add Math - 68 (2 more 2 get a2 T_T) Agama Islam - 66 (Qura, arigatou~) Physics - 63 (Damn it, I study hard for this one =_=) History - 53 (LOL !!!!!) Bio Bio Bio i wanna noe how many I got ! geez.. =_= Lately.. My life isn't so good. I hv a mission next week. I hope I'll success. hee ;) daaa~
5:38 PM |
© wyona 2008

Heyys ;] The name's Sarah. jz Sarah. short name ryt? it's weird dat I hv lots of nickname O_o I tell ya, LOTS ! hahah XD
buh I dun care. as long as they don't call me b*tch or old hag whatsoever. hmm a lil summary bout myself.
I'm Chinese + Indonesian + Siamese + a lil Arabic. Althou I'm mixed 4 of them, I got Indonesian look. mwahaha ! XD (I want Chinese look T__T)
Form 5 Sulaimanian and I don't care if u say I look like 14/15/20 whatsoever. I wanna play bowling on 16th January. haha ;D
I'm a happy-go-lucky type. Sometimes childish. okay, not sometimes but often. lolz..
also, I'm always hungry. I dunno why. it just happen that after 2 hours, if I didn't eat anything, I'll become hungry and all I wanna do is eat. lmao XD
btw, I'm quite lazy. prove? look at my unfinished homeworkS XD
Result [updated]

Friday, April 25, 2008
yeay i ard know my bio marks XD n my add math XD sir increase 3 marks to everybody's paper =D so so so.. I got 3a1, 3a2, 1b3, 2b4, 1c6. lol ;D which means 6a 3b 1c ;) From the highest to lowest: EST - 90 Chemistry - 83 Modern Math - 80 English - 75 Malay - 74 Add Math - 71 Agama Islam - 66 Physics - 63 Biology - 61 History - 53 what makes me sad is that.. all my gang got a1 or a2 in history.. which i m the only 1 who got c =_= buh i m happy, cuz i got num6 in my class. & for the whole form, i got num 22. but i'm not sure yet. sum pple teacher put their marks wrongly so my number will be affected :\ daaa~ *sick*
C.H.E.S.S day 2

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just came back from Sheikh Abdul Malik School. So tired =_= SPOILER!! Better read C.H.E.S.S day 1 blog first before read this one. hee =)Today, guess what? I draw all 3 matches. lmaooo XD 4th matchKak Ummu is my opponent. She's from SS too and both of us has 3 points. So.. I asked her for a draw. Although I think my percentage of winning is 55% but still, I dun wanna take any risk so.. we both draw XD 5th matchdamn ! I almost cried. I met Ang T_T Nobody wants to be Ang's opponent. She got 1st place in peringkat negeri last year T_T & she's from SS too.. So.. I badly offer her a draw. & she was like.. see 1st but then yea she draw. omg I felt so relieve =D When playing, we only move one step then we watched other match and everybody keep asking "what r u guys doing" so we answered, "our game is a slow-motion type." lol XD but then.. if the last match I lose, then her sacrifice will be effortless(?) what is sia-sia in english? lol XD so i keep praying dat I din meet Najwa, the 1 who I always lose to her everytime we had a match =_= 6th match (final)this one... (speechless) I met Najwa !!! Arghhhhh !! But Che Mat (KTS tutor) said if we draw, then both of us will definitely got rank. So she offer me a draw, I QUICKLY accept it ! Of course, that's a chance. Cuz I noe I definitely goin 2 lose if we play seriously. So after Kak Bi & Ang won, we quickly went to the arbiter and said, "seri". XDDD So yea, all 3 games I draw, thus my points is 4.5 over 6. I got 4th place, 3rd is Najwa (she deserve it), 2nd is Kak Bi and 1st is.. who else? of course Ang XD. Hey, I din lose any match this time. Cool ;D SS individually, Cuki got 1st place for L18. 2 girls from P15 got both 2nd place and 4th place. & 1 boy from L15 got 2nd place =) For team, SS won 1st place for P18, 2nd place for L15 & P15, and for L18.. hancur ! lol XD So that's it, I'm going to representative KTS again this year, so next 2 weeks will be peringkat negeri, which so many skillful players are there. Nvm, I just wanna hv that peringkat negeri sijil, I dun mind if I lose or win, cuz that time is mid-year exam. Of course I wan 2 concentrate on exam ^^ I hope I can study well & score for my mid-year, since we hv 2 stay 3days 2nights at other school for peringkat negeri chess. wish me luck for my exam & chess !! ^^ daaa~ =D
C.H.E.S.S day 1

Monday, April 21, 2008
This evening I got chess. SS representative for P18 (girls under 18) Guess what? I won all 3 matches !! ^^ Woohoo~ XD The 1st matchwas easy, since I ate her queen. But what makes the game slow is.. bcuz I dunno how to checkmate her ! argh !! I keep check here, check there, finally, I checkmate her (damn I din rmb how =_=) The 2nd matchwas easy too, since she said she also played last year and got 2 points only so I was confident that I was going to win =D Lastly I checkmate her by Queen, helped by bishop. Before that my Knight helped me. Wa I felt so relieved ;) The 3rd matchThis one I was really over-confident. Since the way she moved her pieces was like she doesn't really think or she really had a tactic i dunno buh guess what? The game was too long so the coach gave us the clock(?) Argh I'm weak with clock ! I can't think well cuz I noe I'm gonna win but if I lose my time I was going to lose so I just walked w/o thinkin carefully. The consequences is, her Bishop ate my Queen !! Argh !! How come I din realize it?? Then her Queen ate my Knight, so I hv 2 Roots, a King and about 5 Pawns left. At that moment, I spoke to my heart "Am I going 2 lose like this?" But then,,, I saw a miracle !! Well, not really. I just realize that one of my Pawn was a step from becoming a Queen ! Chance !! I quickly naik a new Queen. Whee XD Then I checked her for bout twice, and end up defeating her by using a Queen & a Root. hee ;D Cool? not really. Ang & Cuki won all 3 matches too. SS go SS ! lmao XD Tmr will b another 3 matches. I hope I'll win all of them. I wanna represent KTS again like last year. I love last year at peringkat negeri, so fun ! We even went to Kuala Berang market at night lol XD So then, nite~ =)

Thursday, April 10, 2008
TOV exam sucks. I din study anythin. Lemme see.. The only subjects that I REALLY study are.. -Physics -Mod Math -Bio lmaooo XD let's jz go 2 results. I got 3a1, 2a2, 2b3, 1b4, 1c6. lol ;D bio... dunno yet :\ From the highest to lowest: EST - 90 Chemistry - 83 (Qura, thank u =]) Modern Math - 80 English - 75 Malay - 74 (lol for subjects Bahasa I got almost same XP) Add Math - 68 (2 more 2 get a2 T_T) Agama Islam - 66 (Qura, arigatou~) Physics - 63 (Damn it, I study hard for this one =_=) History - 53 (LOL !!!!!) Bio Bio Bio i wanna noe how many I got ! geez.. =_= Lately.. My life isn't so good. I hv a mission next week. I hope I'll success. hee ;) daaa~
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire