We went KL by Tuesday ^^
Then we went shopping on Thursday =D
I can't stop camwhoring xD
KLCC mosque is very beautiful <3
before this I went there but didn't pray because I did jamak at home, but this time since we spent more than 4 days, I can't do jamak :3
so I pray there and wow it's so gorgeous !
Then I camwhored (not rly) at the fountain 8D

That's Taeyeon's style of taking pic xD

no comment ;D

love this pic :]

haha. orang gyler 8D

I forgot whose style is this =3

MIROTIC !! lolz xD
Then at 2:30pm, we went to Petrosains ^^v

I'm not afraid of the dinosaur ! The dinosaur song was very funny xD

This Pooh is too adorable !

again, camwhoring ;D

After riding the helicopter ^^
On Saturday, we went to Teratak Hijjaz at Putrajaya =)

Yo ! Welcome !! Those were my late grandpa & grandma's names =]

lol self-cam -__-

check it out !

... (dunno what to say) lolz xD

With my sis. I look funny ;D

I look cheeky -__-


I PS-ed my pimples a little 8D

peace yo !

hahah !

orang gyler again -__-

Sarang aka Love

Why the heck did I hold her hand anyways?? -__-

The house(?) that we stayed in ^^

Credits to Muaz for taking pic & Kak Ijah for uploading :]

My sister snapped this when I was not ready, see how blurry my hands were?
On Sunday, after arrived home, we went eating xD
I took picture of my niece (Nur Iman Safiyyah) before get into the car ;D

Haha. Kecik2 dah pandai jelir ;P

Aww she looks tired :3

Kyaaaaaaaa soooo cute !!

Too bad I turned off night mode ._.
We arrived Terengganu at 3:15am, Tuesday.
I love this holiday.
But too bad I caught a cold when arrived home, KL gave me fever with its pollution !