First & foremost, I can't believe I had been pranked(?) !! :c
Kimah went to the "bilik gigi(?)" then when she came back, we had a conversation.
Kymah: Sarah, nama awk kne panggil..ramai lagi budak kls kite yg kena sbenarnye
Me: Dh mane kad aku nyer?
Kymah: Ade kt sane..I x bwk balik..
and so..I went there.. I talked to the nurse. Is she a nurse or a dentist?? O__O
Me: Kawan kate nme sy kne panggyl..
Nurse: Name adek ape?
Me: Sarah Mohd Nor, kls 5b..
Then they searched for my card..
Nurse: Xde pown kad adek.. Ke diorang amek bwk g kls?
Me: Aikk?? Kawan kate mmg ade kt cni..Sbb dye x bwk skaly blik kls..
Then another nurse searched the card for me..
Nurse 2: Xde lah adek..kawan adek wt maen kowt..
Me: X logyk.. (confidently)
Nurse: Xpe lah adek, kad adek xde. Adek x kne panggyl la 2 kot
Me: Okay kl mmg btoi kne panggyl, sy mls dtg balik :p
Nurse: Eyh, x aci la mcm 2..
Me: Hehehe..k a,sy balik kls lu..time kaseh..
Nurse: Same2~
Then I went into my class..
Me: Kymah ! Nurse kate xde pown nme aku..
Kymah: Larr..caye kew? Orang tipu jew..x sangke dye cye btoi2..
Curse you Kymah *clenched fist tightly*
Then I strangled her and hit her !! WTF?? I went to that bilik gigi then talk with the nurse !! I really thought my name was there !! KYMAH I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!
hahahh..okay...I cut the rest of the post..why, you may ask? bcuz internet is the most dangerous place. really, I'm not lying :)

Monday, April 13, 2009
This happened on 28 March..
My family and I arrived at my uncle's house at 5.30pm..then we ate and bla bla bla (forgot dy haha)
then at 8.30pm, both Kamil and Zirol sent messages bout earth hour..yeah3 I know la..but I can't switch off the lamp since it's my uncle's house =3
hey..what kind of post is this..? so bored =\
let's just go to the shopping part ;P
we went to Batu Pahat Mall at 9pm..and the sucks thing was, I only have rm18 in my purse (but the guy's pic inside my purse is priceless :p) and so we sister, my 3rd brother and I went to 1st floor while my dad and my 2nd brother on 2nd floor..However,each had their own places to go and so I was alone (bad sentence structure,I know)
I saw so many cute dresses but I can't afford them :p I should have asked money from my dad in the first place..Lemme tell u this, WINDOW SHOPPING SUCKS !!
Then I found my 3rd brother..and I found the cheapest cute black dress..The price was rm20 so my brother lent me rm2 hahahaha !! XD so yeay !! New dress ^.^
Then we went to play 3rd time playing bowling in my life..its kinda sucks since the ball are all heavy..its hard to find a light one :(
and I did not improve at all..from 65 to 54 @__@ haha..
then the next day, I woke at 5am then took a 6am,we went to UTM Skudai..I slept in the car damn tired..
After the graduation ends, we went to Institut Perguruan Temenggung Ibrahim at Johor Bahru to visit my 4th was like a family reunion (except that my 1st brother and his wife were not there) but overall, it felt like a family reunion. Especially because my dad rarely come home ^.^
Then from Johor Bahru, we went straight to Terengganu..but of course we stopped at R&R haha..I love R&R got escalator there O__O lmao XD
in R&R Macap got Kopitiam..but there's no burger in Kopitiam..only got sausage..sausage is not really mengenyangkan..hehee ;D so I went out of the restaurant(?) and eat mee goreng instead :p
overall, the vacation was was from early Saturday morning to early Monday..only 2 days but I enjoyed it =D
sweat -.-;

Saturday, April 11, 2009
^ Jaejoong's wallpaper that I made based on PoiPoi's tutorial =D
(heck..I can't see the "Jaejoong" font)I miss my computer soooo much =(
Stupid power supply -.-
I miss photoshop :(
I miss DBSK vids
I miss games
I miss my YM9
I miss my speaker
I miss my mp3
I miss movies
I miss pictures
I miss norton (lolz)
It's not that I hate this laptop..but it's located downstairs..Everytime I wanna do something I have to go down while my room is's freakin troublesome cuz I much much much prefer being upstairs and conquer the whole lounge -.-
Oh btw, my dad allowed me to wear(?) brace =D yeay at last !! XD
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire