Since it was Hari Pekerja so everybody came home except for my eldest brother (is there any Hari Pekerja in Australia? haha)
And so my mom's wish come true ! New sofa/ cushion/ chair (yea3 whatever the name is) whoot !!
tadaa~ !! ^.^
have you seen that curtain before?? *coughbilikmesyuaratcough*
This sofa/ cushion last so long.. my dad bought this when I was 9 years old if I'm not mistaken O__O
I was standing beside the TV when I took this pic ;) the dining table is on my right =)
Btw, that night, my dad treat our family and my sister-in-law family to eat at the restaurant near the beach ^.^ It's located kinda far from our house =)
my drink.. I ordered honey dew but they gave me watermelon + milk instead @__@
Can u imagine 18 people eating together on this uber long table?? haha XD
The steam fish, one of our menu besides ikan bakar, prawn, tom yam, kangkung, ikan 3 rasa, sotong goreng & many more I forgot already haha..
My sis, my niece, me :DThen we went to TER and play bowling ^^ well, only 4 of us played bowling cuz my brothers played badminton =)

Well, we played 2 games. My score for 1st game is 40 while second game is 52..can u imagine how sucks it is??
And so...last Sunday, we went to TER once again and play bowling 2 games..
Guess what?? My score for 1st game is 61 and the 2nd one is beat my old record (65) ;p well, bcuz I just found out how to throw the ball really works ^^
So my scores from the 1st time I play (Aid Day during form3) until last Sunday are..
34 >> 65 >> 54 >> 40 >> 52 >> 61 >> 76
I love bowling..haha...