Waste Moneyyy

Sunday, August 30, 2009
I did say I'll post after trial, right? ah well, nevermind.  I just realised something.. There are too many cosmetics on my table ! Well, I thought all of them only cost bout RM200 cuz each item usually cost not more than RM17.. but after I counted all of them.. [well, I don't remember the exact price, some of them still have the tags though, so I just assume] But my assumption is not that bad. It's easy to predict those price.. btw, I just round off the price. if it's RM5.90, I'll just type RM6. [lip care] Avon Tint: RM8 Lip-ice Sheer Colour: RM13 Avon Cherry: RM5 Lip-ice Strawberry: RM 15 Orma Lipstick: RM17 total= RM 58 [face cosmetics] Safi Balqis cream: RM6 Avon Eyes Perfector: RM16 Clean & Clear Clear Fairness (small + large): RM16 Clean & Clear Moisturizer: RM6 SeaWhite: RM16 Banana Boat Sunblock: RM30 Silky White: RM2 Biore Pore Pack: RM13 x 2 = RM26 Loreal Mascara + Loreal Eyelash Curler: RM50 Etude House Dream Pact (compact powder): RM55 Clean & Clear Acne Spot: RM10 Tracia Acne Cream: RM15 Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing: RM7 Johnsons & Johnsons Compact Powder: RM16 total = RM 271 [health products] Eskulin Hand Sanitizer: RM2 Oral-B Dental Floss: RM5 total = RM 7 [body care] Nivea Whitening Inner Cell Repair Body Milk: RM8 Enchanteur Romance Talc: RM9.50 Enchanteur Romance Deodarant: RM4 Rexona Deodarant: RM4 (missing) Johnson's Baby Soft Lotion: RM11 total = RM 36.50 [perfume] Sweet Dolly: RM5 One Drop Perfumes: RM10 x 2 = RM20 total = RM 25 [hair product] Sunsilk Conditioner: RM3 total = RM 3 MAIN TOTAL : 58 + 271 + 7 + 36.50 + 25 + 3 = RM 400.50 I don't think RM400 is suitable for a 17 years old girl like me.. I bet some of girls at my age have more cosmetics than I am, but who cares? They are rich enough to buy those stuffs. But me? Not saying my family is poor, not going to say rich neither, just.. it's not worth it. I should just spent RM 200.. not till RM400... warghh.. I wonder how my dad's reaction if he read this post =\
5:29 PM |
Confessions of A Broken Heart

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Malyn, Yana; thank you so much Faris; thank you so much Syaza, Yaya, Michelle; thank you Luqman, Faisal, Kimie; thank you Fatyn, Tym, Kym, Ainmo; thank you Piqal, Nazim, Kamil, Paiz; thank you Without you all, I guess there would be a charity collection 5 months ago. A transparent box written "Kutipan derma kematian pelajar Sarah Mohd Nor" might be held by 2 prefects from class to class. Thank you, without you girls and guys, I don't think I can still breathing. You guys made me become stronger. Thank you so much for that. You guys always give me support. Thank you very much for that. You guys always lend me your ears. I really appreciate that. You guys always gave me your opinion. Thank you. You guys always be patient dealing with me complaining. I'm really sorry. To him who broke the secret; 'thank you' To those who knew but didn't say anything bout it; thank you To those I have lied; I'm sorry
7:32 PM |

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
p/s: ingt nk post smlm, p x ingt ;pSeriously, what a hectic day. Pada pagi yg indah, ditemani panorama yg ‘indah’ di hadapan ku, wah ! hatiku terase ‘bahagia’ sekali melihat burung-burung berterbangan sedang bersentuhan dengan selambenyew. Demikian itu, aku menyanyi lagu The Muffins – Salahkahku. Terkena Syazana n Kym mintak lirik lagu 2. Aish..lps ak tls, diorg sruh ak nyanyi lagy. Waduhh ! memangla lagu 2 sdey, ak pon tawu. Sesuai dgn keadaan ak skrg. Haha. Anyways, lps balik skolah, ak n Syaza trus g tgu bas kt public bus across jejants tu. Sambil tgu bas, kitorg slalu wt maen kt krete yg lalu. Mane2 krete udoh ak kate 2 krete syaza. Mane krete lawa ak kate krete 2 yg ak. Pnh skaly 2 ad krete lawa bhenty dpn kitorg, ktrg x abes2 ngaku yg 2 krete kitorg. X bongek ane pon tgk2 budak yg duk sblh kitorg g msuk lm krete 2. Ha3 ! Biler bas smpai, kitorg duk dpn skaly, tepi driver. Wah ! mcm kitorg j yg drive. Pndek crite, lps smpai maybank la yg plg bongek. 1st2 ak bratur kt 1 line nieh, then syaza kate baek bratur tepi nie, lagy pendek. Then ak suh ye g bratur c2. Last2 tmpt dye bratur 2 tggal sorg jew, so ak pown g duk dpan dye. Haha. Ahem, ak nie x prnh wt cash deposit, so ak intai org dpn ak wt cmner. Org dpn 2 plak rse insecure dgan ak. Mcm la ak nk curi duit dye ! hahah. Last2 dye dh settle dh so dye pegy. Aishh.. ak x taw nk buat camner. So ak maen tekan jew la. Lps 2 dh x taw nk tkan mane. Ak asyik duk tny “dowh pah2 kne tkn nde??” syaza jwb “mane ak tahu!” Ak pndg blkg, bjujuk org bratur tgu ak ! last2 ak tny org blkg, “gane nop msukkn duit lm acc org ek?” pas2 org blkg dye kate “tkn cancel lu” then diorg pon ajar. Diorg yg tlg tkan button utk ak. X malu ane pon. Pas2 yg kate “tkn cancel” tu tny “bkpe bayor duit k org cine?” ha3 ! ak nk jwb tp org laen kate “amek resit oa” so ak pon amek. Last2 yg tny 2 kate “0o bayar hutang..” bongek btol la ! ak bli brg online. Bkn byr hutang ALONG ! hahah XD Then lps amek resit ak pon pegy kt syaza dgn bkate “dop malu ane pom..” then syaza kate smbil pakcik2 tu ajar ak, ad sorg pak cik tny dye skolah mane. Then dye pon jwb SS. Aish. Tobak malu ! Then kitorg pon bla. mse kt MBKT tu, nmpk dh bas mini. So kitorg pown bjalan k direction c2. Ak kate kt syaza “kl bas 2 gerok mse kite tgah bjalan ea tobak ak nangih !” then about 5 seconds after that bas 2 pown gerak... Ak pown buat2 mnanges “UWAAAA~” n sume org pndg ak. Haha ! aish ! apesal la ktrg lmbt sgt?? Kl cpt sket msty smpt ! so kitorg pown tny bas laen lalu K.Ibai x..then sume kate x. So ktrg pown tgu bas mini laen.. sambil tgu 2, nmpk student SS msuk 1 bas nieh. Dye msuk cmtu jew. Ktrg pown trus agkt brg then g kat bas 2. Tkene bas 2 mmg lalu k. Ibai so ktrg pown naek..huhee ;D
8:36 PM |
© wyona 2008

Heyys ;] The name's Sarah. jz Sarah. short name ryt? it's weird dat I hv lots of nickname O_o I tell ya, LOTS ! hahah XD
buh I dun care. as long as they don't call me b*tch or old hag whatsoever. hmm a lil summary bout myself.
I'm Chinese + Indonesian + Siamese + a lil Arabic. Althou I'm mixed 4 of them, I got Indonesian look. mwahaha ! XD (I want Chinese look T__T)
Form 5 Sulaimanian and I don't care if u say I look like 14/15/20 whatsoever. I wanna play bowling on 16th January. haha ;D
I'm a happy-go-lucky type. Sometimes childish. okay, not sometimes but often. lolz..
also, I'm always hungry. I dunno why. it just happen that after 2 hours, if I didn't eat anything, I'll become hungry and all I wanna do is eat. lmao XD
btw, I'm quite lazy. prove? look at my unfinished homeworkS XD
Waste Moneyyy

Sunday, August 30, 2009
I did say I'll post after trial, right? ah well, nevermind.  I just realised something.. There are too many cosmetics on my table ! Well, I thought all of them only cost bout RM200 cuz each item usually cost not more than RM17.. but after I counted all of them.. [well, I don't remember the exact price, some of them still have the tags though, so I just assume] But my assumption is not that bad. It's easy to predict those price.. btw, I just round off the price. if it's RM5.90, I'll just type RM6. [lip care] Avon Tint: RM8 Lip-ice Sheer Colour: RM13 Avon Cherry: RM5 Lip-ice Strawberry: RM 15 Orma Lipstick: RM17 total= RM 58 [face cosmetics] Safi Balqis cream: RM6 Avon Eyes Perfector: RM16 Clean & Clear Clear Fairness (small + large): RM16 Clean & Clear Moisturizer: RM6 SeaWhite: RM16 Banana Boat Sunblock: RM30 Silky White: RM2 Biore Pore Pack: RM13 x 2 = RM26 Loreal Mascara + Loreal Eyelash Curler: RM50 Etude House Dream Pact (compact powder): RM55 Clean & Clear Acne Spot: RM10 Tracia Acne Cream: RM15 Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing: RM7 Johnsons & Johnsons Compact Powder: RM16 total = RM 271 [health products] Eskulin Hand Sanitizer: RM2 Oral-B Dental Floss: RM5 total = RM 7 [body care] Nivea Whitening Inner Cell Repair Body Milk: RM8 Enchanteur Romance Talc: RM9.50 Enchanteur Romance Deodarant: RM4 Rexona Deodarant: RM4 (missing) Johnson's Baby Soft Lotion: RM11 total = RM 36.50 [perfume] Sweet Dolly: RM5 One Drop Perfumes: RM10 x 2 = RM20 total = RM 25 [hair product] Sunsilk Conditioner: RM3 total = RM 3 MAIN TOTAL : 58 + 271 + 7 + 36.50 + 25 + 3 = RM 400.50 I don't think RM400 is suitable for a 17 years old girl like me.. I bet some of girls at my age have more cosmetics than I am, but who cares? They are rich enough to buy those stuffs. But me? Not saying my family is poor, not going to say rich neither, just.. it's not worth it. I should just spent RM 200.. not till RM400... warghh.. I wonder how my dad's reaction if he read this post =\
Confessions of A Broken Heart

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Malyn, Yana; thank you so much Faris; thank you so much Syaza, Yaya, Michelle; thank you Luqman, Faisal, Kimie; thank you Fatyn, Tym, Kym, Ainmo; thank you Piqal, Nazim, Kamil, Paiz; thank you Without you all, I guess there would be a charity collection 5 months ago. A transparent box written "Kutipan derma kematian pelajar Sarah Mohd Nor" might be held by 2 prefects from class to class. Thank you, without you girls and guys, I don't think I can still breathing. You guys made me become stronger. Thank you so much for that. You guys always give me support. Thank you very much for that. You guys always lend me your ears. I really appreciate that. You guys always gave me your opinion. Thank you. You guys always be patient dealing with me complaining. I'm really sorry. To him who broke the secret; 'thank you' To those who knew but didn't say anything bout it; thank you To those I have lied; I'm sorry

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
p/s: ingt nk post smlm, p x ingt ;pSeriously, what a hectic day. Pada pagi yg indah, ditemani panorama yg ‘indah’ di hadapan ku, wah ! hatiku terase ‘bahagia’ sekali melihat burung-burung berterbangan sedang bersentuhan dengan selambenyew. Demikian itu, aku menyanyi lagu The Muffins – Salahkahku. Terkena Syazana n Kym mintak lirik lagu 2. Aish..lps ak tls, diorg sruh ak nyanyi lagy. Waduhh ! memangla lagu 2 sdey, ak pon tawu. Sesuai dgn keadaan ak skrg. Haha. Anyways, lps balik skolah, ak n Syaza trus g tgu bas kt public bus across jejants tu. Sambil tgu bas, kitorg slalu wt maen kt krete yg lalu. Mane2 krete udoh ak kate 2 krete syaza. Mane krete lawa ak kate krete 2 yg ak. Pnh skaly 2 ad krete lawa bhenty dpn kitorg, ktrg x abes2 ngaku yg 2 krete kitorg. X bongek ane pon tgk2 budak yg duk sblh kitorg g msuk lm krete 2. Ha3 ! Biler bas smpai, kitorg duk dpn skaly, tepi driver. Wah ! mcm kitorg j yg drive. Pndek crite, lps smpai maybank la yg plg bongek. 1st2 ak bratur kt 1 line nieh, then syaza kate baek bratur tepi nie, lagy pendek. Then ak suh ye g bratur c2. Last2 tmpt dye bratur 2 tggal sorg jew, so ak pown g duk dpan dye. Haha. Ahem, ak nie x prnh wt cash deposit, so ak intai org dpn ak wt cmner. Org dpn 2 plak rse insecure dgan ak. Mcm la ak nk curi duit dye ! hahah. Last2 dye dh settle dh so dye pegy. Aishh.. ak x taw nk buat camner. So ak maen tekan jew la. Lps 2 dh x taw nk tkan mane. Ak asyik duk tny “dowh pah2 kne tkn nde??” syaza jwb “mane ak tahu!” Ak pndg blkg, bjujuk org bratur tgu ak ! last2 ak tny org blkg, “gane nop msukkn duit lm acc org ek?” pas2 org blkg dye kate “tkn cancel lu” then diorg pon ajar. Diorg yg tlg tkan button utk ak. X malu ane pon. Pas2 yg kate “tkn cancel” tu tny “bkpe bayor duit k org cine?” ha3 ! ak nk jwb tp org laen kate “amek resit oa” so ak pon amek. Last2 yg tny 2 kate “0o bayar hutang..” bongek btol la ! ak bli brg online. Bkn byr hutang ALONG ! hahah XD Then lps amek resit ak pon pegy kt syaza dgn bkate “dop malu ane pom..” then syaza kate smbil pakcik2 tu ajar ak, ad sorg pak cik tny dye skolah mane. Then dye pon jwb SS. Aish. Tobak malu ! Then kitorg pon bla. mse kt MBKT tu, nmpk dh bas mini. So kitorg pown bjalan k direction c2. Ak kate kt syaza “kl bas 2 gerok mse kite tgah bjalan ea tobak ak nangih !” then about 5 seconds after that bas 2 pown gerak... Ak pown buat2 mnanges “UWAAAA~” n sume org pndg ak. Haha ! aish ! apesal la ktrg lmbt sgt?? Kl cpt sket msty smpt ! so kitorg pown tny bas laen lalu K.Ibai x..then sume kate x. So ktrg pown tgu bas mini laen.. sambil tgu 2, nmpk student SS msuk 1 bas nieh. Dye msuk cmtu jew. Ktrg pown trus agkt brg then g kat bas 2. Tkene bas 2 mmg lalu k. Ibai so ktrg pown naek..huhee ;D
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire