I did say I'll post after trial, right? ah well, nevermind.

I just realised something.. There are too many cosmetics on my table ! Well, I thought all of them only cost bout RM200 cuz each item usually cost not more than RM17.. but after I counted all of them..
[well, I don't remember the exact price, some of them still have the tags though, so I just assume] But my assumption is not that bad. It's easy to predict those price.. btw, I just round off the price. if it's RM5.90, I'll just type RM6.
[lip care]
Avon Tint: RM8
Lip-ice Sheer Colour: RM13
Avon Cherry: RM5
Lip-ice Strawberry: RM 15
Orma Lipstick: RM17
total= RM 58
[face cosmetics]
Safi Balqis cream: RM6
Avon Eyes Perfector: RM16
Clean & Clear Clear Fairness (small + large): RM16
Clean & Clear Moisturizer: RM6
SeaWhite: RM16
Banana Boat Sunblock: RM30
Silky White: RM2
Biore Pore Pack: RM13 x 2 = RM26
Loreal Mascara + Loreal Eyelash Curler: RM50
Etude House Dream Pact (compact powder): RM55
Clean & Clear Acne Spot: RM10
Tracia Acne Cream: RM15
Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing: RM7
Johnsons & Johnsons Compact Powder: RM16
total = RM 271
[health products]
Eskulin Hand Sanitizer: RM2
Oral-B Dental Floss: RM5
total = RM 7
[body care]
Nivea Whitening Inner Cell Repair Body Milk: RM8
Enchanteur Romance Talc: RM9.50
Enchanteur Romance Deodarant: RM4
Rexona Deodarant: RM4
(missing) Johnson's Baby Soft Lotion: RM11
total = RM 36.50
Sweet Dolly: RM5
One Drop Perfumes: RM10 x 2 = RM20
total = RM 25
[hair product]
Sunsilk Conditioner: RM3
total = RM 3
MAIN TOTAL : 58 + 271 + 7 + 36.50 + 25 + 3
= RM 400.50
I don't think RM400 is suitable for a 17 years old girl like me.. I bet some of girls at my age have more cosmetics than I am, but who cares? They are rich enough to buy those stuffs. But me? Not saying my family is poor, not going to say rich neither, just.. it's not worth it. I should just spent RM 200.. not till RM400...
warghh.. I wonder how my dad's reaction if he read this post =\