![]() ![]() It had been 10 months I haven't updated my fic. haha. Just wanted to share chapter 3 and some of the funny reviews ! XD
at the end of the chap, I typed "I, Sarah, the writer of this fic, give you guys permission to kick Jonghyun’s ass" and so, there are some reviews that made me laughed my ass off XD Grrr, I don't like Jonghyun in this story! He's so meann. that little meaneie! Hahah. I'm going to kick hiss ass! Haha (: your story is interesting, i want to keep reading... but i don't know if i can if jonghyun keeps behaving that way. haha AHHHH!!!!! Jonghyun I WANT TO KILL YOU!!!! *kicks Jonghyun* *ANGREY FACE* i shall take up your offer [BASHES THE CRAP OUT OF JONGHYUN EVEN THOUGH HES SO HOT] sorry for my super late reply: my internet wasn't working for the past 10 billion days @_@ woaaahhh...what on earth is SEOHYUN THINKING? she has to go with ONEW/JINKI, not EVIL EVIL EVIL HOT JONGHYUN! thanks for another super-great-chapter Since you gave permission to kick Jonghyun's ass, I would... *KICKS JONGHYUN'S ASS SO BADLY, HE BLEEDS AND RUNS AWAY TO HIS MOMMY* --kicks jonghyun twice as hard as everyone else-- stupid jonghyun >=[ just because he is rich doesn't mean he has all the power! i love jonghyun & yoona but now you make me hate them xD OMG!!! THAT...LITTLE...GRRR....Your story is making me NOT like Jonhyun....usually i always say he's so cute...BUT....GRRRSSS....AHAHAHAA... NICE UPDATE!!! soory for freaking out....keke... ![]() You evil person, you left a cliffie! T.T ahh.. new reader here ! ^^ and it seems like everyone is dying in this fic.. T_T guess that's what makes it more interesting.. will lookout for updates !! xD!! I just put some of funny reviews though. hehee.. I dunno, I love funny reviews from my readers. It just shows how their expressions and feelings while reading the story ;D I'm a weird writer, I know. haha 6:52 PM | ![]() ![]() just now, spicy chicken from McDonald stuck on my throat. wait, let me correct it. just now, hot and spicy plus some weird-pepper-taste chicken from McDonald stuck on my throat for about a minute. I kept coughing because well.. it was a normal thing to cough if something stuck on your throat right? but hey, each coughs tasted so.. you will never imagine that. and I bet you don't want to imagine the taste and the feeling.
seriously, it was very horrible. I don't want to eat McD chicken again. ever. anyhow, I overcome this problem by drinking milk since pepsi was useless. and it works. lol.. oh, this is very random. I saw Choon Khai at McD just now. haha 11:32 PM | ![]() ![]() Ahh.. this is my weakness.. my BIG weakness... I love photoshop so much, editing, filtering, blending, colorization etc are my fav. I wish to improve my skills after SPM ends. but yeah, I can't hold it =3
^ it's supposed to be "Kim Jaejoong Icons" instead of "Kim Jaejoong's Icons" =__= whatever. will edit later ;D oh and a bonus, a simple Jess icon XD oh wells, my style are always the same. colourful & shiny. haha. perhaps I'll update with more icons. Jae, Su, and Key I guess X] my previous work: http://www.shineee.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3682 2:04 AM | ![]() ![]() Made a new wp.. (although I should be studying) -.- The monitor screen somehow affect the pic's colour.. cuz I made it in my comp and when I copied to this laptop to upload, somehow it become brighter bcuz of the screen's setting differences =\ as a result, I can't see "Jaejoongie" text clearly =3 I was tryin to make a cover actually..but failed. I still remember my 1st cover I use in my fanfic thou. where I made Jonghyun & Onew changed Jaejoong's appearance into Seohyun. lmao XD oh wells, gotta clean my brother's room. friends are coming tomorrow for study group =] 7:48 PM | ![]() ![]() JAEJOONG JUST KILLED MEEEE X___X I IS DEAD (fangirls tend to type wrongly when they were spazzing- or almost died) mls ak nk speaking kaly nieh. ckp j la bahase yg asyik ak ckp kt umah. heheh. smlm exam bm. seb bek dh taw awal2 kuar ape. tp ak x ingt la plak persoalan hang li po. bncy tol. aishh.. kl x dpt a1 pown, rseny dlm 76-79 kot ak dpt utk bm (ak nk a1) T.T pas2 td exam pai..alhamdulillah sng :) insyaAllah a1..ak rse dlm 84-88 la kot.ngeh3. n then exam bio3. mmg ak rse nk nangis. soklan susah nk mampus ! dh lah ak x study pape pon sbb byk sgt dpt soklan spot. aish..dulu ak dpt c5 sbb krts3 ak tggy. kaly nieh ak x taw laa..jgn dpt c6 sudah..plg2 kne dpt b4 gak..dh tekad dh, x nk ad c trial nieh except for kimia.ngeh. so lately ak cmtu la..study time rse perlu je..byler pning sket trus trn bwh then tgk perf jaejoong yg live..haha..care nk mendamaikan jiwe (cewahh) XD btw ahad dpn exm bi. ak x taw kuar pe utk essay pnjg. p ak dh ad plan dh lm pale nk tls psal pe. ak arap ad soklan mcm 2 yg kuar.hehee.. bi camner2 pown kne dpt a1 gak. tov dulu 78, mid year lak 79, so trial ak arap mningkat jugak lah..tp x nk lah mningkat 1 markh je..nk lah byk sket..hahah XD #1 update 090906 (lps mnat korea ak ske tls date cmnieh) td exam bi ngan sjarah. warghhh ! ak x ingt accommodation 2 ape. bncy tol ! laz2 ak tggal T.T nway, for q2, ak jwb yg ak dh plan.hehee..kaly nieh ak x ltk beautiful scenery (sbb geng ak amek ayat ak T.T ak syg sentence ak yg "I let my memories engulfed me as I closed my misty eyes gradually" ngan "I sat on the wooden porch, staring at the full moon cast that was surrounded by sea of a million stars which blanketed the silent night sky"). anyway, ak x ltak gak any bombastic words, p ak ltk 10 proverbs ! mwahahaha take that teacher XD (I really hope tce dun even noe dat i hv a blog). heh. mmg bez a mngarang td.lagy2 part propose, part dye rndu wine pork ham sume. hurmm wateva ar. korg x phm gk.ngeh. tp g2 ar. ak tkut gk kl2 x dpt a1 kaly nieh.ak trget q2 dpt 40 k ats p sbb ak tggal accommodation, ak tkut mrkh q1 ak kurang. bru brangan nk dpt 70+ paper1. bengang tol -.- nway, sjarah td mmg boley wt. ak bkn nk prasan, tp fact yg ak x study pape 2 mmg btol. ak juz bce form4 bab 1, 3 and 9. that's all. yg laen sume ak x study. form5 x study pape.mwahahah. x bongek ane pon. ak rse boley la ak dpt 23/40 k ats (excuse me, kl stakat study 3 bab per 19 bab then dpt 23 tu kre okay la tuuu) ngeh3 ;D #update 090908 td exam modmath n fz. utk subject 2, ak ngan geng2 ak wt study grup kt umah ak. mmg x caye lgsg.dr kul11 hge kul6 O__O well, tp yana blik kul3.huhuu.. mse exam modmath 1 mmg ak ase nk nanges. sbb ak lgsg x study variations n tetybe kuar 3 soklan psal topic 2. ak sure 1 ak btol. lagy 2, ak tembak. tp ak tembak pkai pistol, bkn maen tembak aje so tgk2 ak btol sume yg ak tembak ^^ fzk lak..smlm ak dh mnum air kopi dh sbb nk abeskn topic form5. tgk2 lps mnum 10 minit j, trus ngantuk. so ak tdo la kjap ats karpet sbb kl tdo ats karpet, bdn ak sakit so ak sure bgn awl. kl tdo ats katil ak rse pagy esk 2 bru ak bgn.haha. p byler ak bgn kul2 tu, ngantuk glew..so ak trus msuk blik then zzz.... td byk la jugak ak tembak. n byk jugak yg ak blaja kuar. so as a result, ak dpt 33 per 50 for paper1. alhamdulillah :) x sgke lak sbb midyear ari 2 paper1 ak 22 je. haha. so sbb krts 1 ak okay, ak mmg trget a2 or b3 fzk kaly nieh. arap2 boley dpt ^^ modmath 2 lak alhmdulillah sng =D tp yg statement 2 ak rse ak slh ar..nvm ar, brpe mrkh ngat. insyaAllah a1.huhuu ;] esk fz2 n sj2. aish.ak x thu nk study yg ane. p yg sure mmg ak x tdo mlm nie. mlm esk pown. ptg khamis sure ak ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... #update 090909 urgh..td sjarah..smlm ak tdo kul 4.30 pagy sbb study fz n sjrh..p cmner2 pown ak still x ley jwb sjrh T__T apesal la ak d-lahirkn x pndai sjarah? alaa..sbenarnye ak x kesah pown..sbb mcm la dye tgk ak dpt brpe sjarah byler nk mntak keje nnt.p cmtu arr..byk glew ak ngarut td..ape bnde ak ngarut ntah..ak x taw la dpt brpe..jgn c sudah..sobs T.T lps 2 exam fz paper 2. boley thn la..x sng tp x susah..ak rse insyaAllah b dlm tgn..ak logyk dpt a kl paper 3 sng..p org kate electromagnetisme kuar paper 3 T.T esk admath. aish. skaly lagy x tdo. tmasuk mlm nie dh 3 mlm bturut2 ak mnum air kopi. smpai pning pale ak.hahah. #update 090910 warghhh !! smlm ak lgsg x tdo smate2 study admath. last2 pale pning gyler time jwb exam. lesson: MUST SLEEP ALTHOUGH JUST FOR AWHILE. aysehh..soklan susah gyler babi. dh lah jmlah soklan yg ak tggal dh 20 mrkh.. pas2 index slh kire..arghhhh ! yg 2 mmg myampah ar ! index la yg plg sng nk score. bncy tol ! yg ak plg bncy skaly mean, variance sume.. ak dh study dh smlm, p sbb pale ak pning d-sbbkn x tdo, laz2 ak tggal. x ingt nk wt cmner. mmg bncy gyler ah. hish. bru brangan nk dpt a2 admath. rsenye mcm x kesampaian j hajat 2. hahah. #update 090913 td exm km 1 bio 1 n km 2. overall, boley thn. hihi. first time ak rse km 1 sng. tp sng2 pown xde la smpai 40 ak dpt rseny..haha... bio 1 lak alhmdulillah boley jwb :) ak trget 40 lbeyh tp x taw la 2 ly dpt k x. huhuu.. sbb bio 3 ssh so sbb 2 ak rse bio 1 sng. nway, kl nk dpt a, ak kne dpt 60 or 70 lbeyh krts 2. aishh..will i?? nway, km 2 td sng jugak la..lagy sng dr md year hr 2.hehee.. p sng2 pown ak rse x smpai 60 pown mrkh km 2 ak. ha3.. wateva la, aslkn x dpt D sudah.huhuu..arap2 km 3 sng ^.^ chop ! mne aci kak nanie sorg ad current mode. sarah pown nk gak. ngeh. Sarang/ Just You - Jaejoong (Heaven's Postman OST) Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte Shimattandarou Nero's Decay - Alesana Daggers Speak Louder Than Words - Alesana Forgotten Season - Jaejoong Mirotic Love in The Ice Hug Hey John, What's Your Name Again? - The Devil Wears Prada Seduction - Alesana 2 je. ngeh XD suare Jaejoong + Junsu & Shawn besh bangat !! 1:19 AM | |