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SarahChan is here ^.^

About me

19 yrs old
A die-hard IchiRuki shipper
Loves to sing and dance

Say what?


Thank you so much !

Designer: Wyona
Images: Cyworld | Wyona
Host: blogger | photobucket
Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop
Reference: blogskins

History of My Life

The Princess Bride
Surely Now
1st anime wallie
muxic genre
nak bangge kejap
one-shot manga rec
21 Days Vacation

Start Anew
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today is 29th October. Graduation day.

Well, xde kne ngene pown hari graduation ngan post ak nieh actually.

At last, finally, I'm REALLY starting anew =)

I've deleted ALL my posts regarding my stupid, hatred, covetous, sullen, picky, disgruntled, malcontent, querulous etc feelings.

It's time to start anew.

It's time to create a new smile. and a new boyfriend (lolz !)

nah, just kidding.

Lately I've been feeling happy, content, joyful, satisfied, cheerful etc.

Although sometimes my mood swings, I can still be happy and smile.

Whenever I'm sad, disconsolate, forlorn, I'll quickly think on the bright side.

Then everything's gonna be alright =)

Not to mention, my life has been really exciting recently.

At school, at home, even in front of computer ! I always found something that makes me laugh and smile =D

Especially when texting.. *cough* xD


anyway, regarding this post, I just wanna say it again.

I dunno, I just.. feel like it ;D

Today I wish to express my gratitude in different ways. (although whom I mentioned will never read this) haha

Malyn- dulu2 mu mmg slalu pjuk ak.. slalu wt sedap aty ak.. slalu support ak.. ak appreciate sgt2.. kl ak sdeyh sket mu wt ak epy, kl ak jealous sket mu wt ak relax... thank you so much fwen. I'm really sorry for troubling you. really, really sorry

Yana- thnx a sbb kdg 2 wt sedap aty ak..haha... n thnx sbb x bantah yg ak ske kt 'namja chingu baru'.. hehee

Faris- I just.. dunno how to say this.. awk tlg sy byk kaly gyler dh.. dr bulan.. ntah lah.. bulan 2 kot.. tp dh trlampau byk... sy appreciate sgt2... stiap kaly sy sdeyh, sy call awk. stiap kaly sy ad prob, sy ask ur opinion. sometimes byler awk kt 2syen, sy ask awk mcm2.. sorry. but u're the 1 I trust the most =) That's why I never hesitate to tell you anything. except for private thing, of course. tp, thnx sgt2... u are indeed the bestest friend I've ever met (for guys). and I really love ur reply everytime I said thanks, "You're welcome.. It's my pleasure to _____ (anything regarding that topic)" it's so sweet and touched me, you know that? again, thank you. Arigatou, gracias, xie xie, kamsahamnida, shukran, mekaseh..hihi =]

- thank you so much for all ur advices and councils :) w/o you, I don't think my mood will b cheerful again. hehe.. thnx cuz understand my prob n thnx 4 business credit hk kite skmo wt dulu2... untung betor kdit ak..ha3 xD nway, thnx cuz ajor ak km..koho btamboh cg kimia ak lenin..whee ;D

(gmbor dlm pwocess) haha

Luqman- kite jrg msg lenin owp? mu mcm adp mood j ak tgk. hahah xD iyer le..study kn.. ak lenin pom dp care ane owh henset.. nway, ak nk tq byk2 cuz mse time ak down glew2 bulan 3, 4, 5 g2, mu byk v opinion sume...tq so much... mu caring gk a sposeng (poseng jew) n dat makes me feel more...hurm... dp ahu nk kb gane..ha3 ;D n thnx cuz lyn karenah ak hk plik2... jln same la, mitop tman g koop la, dp bongek ane pom. haha. n thnx kdg 2 duk lepak nge ak n malyn kl ktrg styback..huhee 8D

- hurmm.... dp ahu gp. haha xD p g2 ar. thnx ah cuz tlg ak psal hal 2syen oa..kl mu ingt la, dp ingt sudowh ;p

5:19 PM |
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm so damn HAPPY today !

1st of all, I bought a new shoes for my graduation. My mom said it looks like shoes in Mozart age. whatever. haha

2ndly, whoot !! xD I got his number !!!!!! I'm so happy ! I've adored him for about.. 5 months and finally I got his number ! haha. weird huh? yeah, but you know.. he kinda remind me of someone. the way he types in msg; his face; his hair; his skin; they really resemble him. Someone once said this to me, "mu minat muke speseng j ak tgk" hahahahaha xD

6:58 PM |
Thursday, October 22, 2009

9:44 PM |
Sunday, October 11, 2009

12:48 AM |