OMG I CAN'T STOP SPAZZING RIGHT NOW !!KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDD*calms myself*ahem ! Just finished watching Bleach Movie 3. it was AWESOME !! XDoh and guess what? to all IchiRuki fans, it's your ideal movie ;p
ahhh I just love it when Urahara asked Ichigo why he wanted to save Rukia then he said "none of you p-" and Urahara gave him 'that' look xDmwahahaha he was goin to say none of ur problm ! great. What does that mean, Ichigo? huh? lolz
forgot to mention, Byakuya & Hisana moment are the BEST !! XD
love it. seriously. Iono. maybe 'cause I'm biased. but really, the best Bleach movie so far ^.^v---------------------anyways.. recognise this?

yes, this.
woah, I can't believe I really buy it ._. even after I bought this:
and this:
and these calendar + key-chain:
wait, that Xiah key-chain had gone missing O__O Well, luckily Mirotic has poster with it xD
but hey, my Secret Code doesn't has poster T.T
so... RM63 + RM58 + RM74 + RM5 + RM85 = RM285
That's it ._. enough. will never buy DBSK and SHINee stuffs anymore ^^