![]() ![]() kaorou999@youtube:
Summoner Lenne10@fanfiction.net Btw, all the Aoshi/Misao stuff comes from the fact I asked Watsuki at the 2006 Comic Con if they get married, he said yes, and I'm dedicated now to writing fics about it. Hehe. // Hehehe, and since it's now been officially said that Aoshi and Misao DO get married... *Uhh, I met Watsuki at Comic Con. I couldn't think of anything else to ask...* Hehehe. *Giggles happily* --- now THAT is HOW a SHONEN anime SHOULD end !! You see? Kenshin and Kaoru end up having a son named Kenji; Yahiko still loves that Tsubame girl; and the happiest thing is.. THE HOTTEST EVER CREATURE IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE SHINOMORI AOSHI AND MY FAV GIRL IN SAMURAI X MAKIMACHI MISAO GOT FREAKING MARRIED !! XD ahhhhh I guess I'm the happiest (and cutest) shipper in the earth when I found that news. I'm so glad. hehee.. anyway, this is why I love Samurai X. unlike some shonen anime out there which I read the interview.. Shonen Jump: Do you have any plans to make Ichigo and Rukia a couple? Kubo Tite: I'm not going to confirm nor deny that [Laughs] GAHHHHH I'm so freakin mad ! What kind of answer IS that?? Can't he at least give us some hint? Wait, is it his laughs? Nah, probably not grrrrrrr -.- anyway, congratz to Aoshi and Misao !! ^^ (why am I so excited bout this? As if I'm the one who's getting married =__=) bwahahaha !!! ![]() ![]() ![]() They're not married yet at this time (I think so).. Misao is only 21 but heck, Aoshi is already 31 in this manga O__O a bonus, the scene where Kenji pulled Kenshin's hair xD ![]() credits: Madrigal, Nobuhiro Watsuki, onemanga.com and those who draw smart Aoshi and Kenshin's family grfx. thnx a bunch ! X) BIOLOGY HERE I COME !!!! ;D 10:45 PM | |
Yup, at the San Diego Comic Con of '06, a fan asked him if Misao and Aoshi got married and confirmed it.