1st anime wallie

Thursday, March 25, 2010
My 1st anime wallie. Still, I'm not so great in making wallie. That's why I'd prefer make icons more. hee ;D but anyway I think it's not so bad. Lavi's expression fit the theme perfectly (or so I think..)Anyway, LAVI IS SO DAMN LUCKY !! CUZ HE'S THE FIRST ANIME CHARACTER THAT I MADE WALLPAPER FOR. lmao xDCredits;Ciel (if my eyes are that great to read small letter) for Lavi's pictureSabbat - Mythistory lyric for the sentence
2:08 AM |
muxic genre

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Finally, it's perfect. ho ho ho 8D----------------Anyway, my obsession is not Jaejoong lately. You know, no matter how much I love K-pop, J-Rock and metal, I can't escape from my real, true nature music genre; which are, Alternative Rock and Pop PunkBands like The All American Rejects, Simple Plan and Boys like Girls suit my genre PERFECTLY !!
While Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance suit my genre perfectly too, it's sometimes a bit too much. Nevertheless I enjoy their songs happily lol ^.^Backstreet Boys songs are sometimes too ballad-ish for me, but LOTS of their songs fit my soul (lol) perfectly because of the AWESOME lyrics. Not to mention I've been loving Backstreet Boys for more than 11 years.The current guy that I like is none other than Nickolas Gene Carter aka Nick Carter, the youngest member of Backstreet Boys. love him so much !! ^.^
current music: The All American Rejects - I Wanna The All American Rejects - Swing Swing We The Kings - Heaven Can Wait Backstreet Boys - I Still Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You Boys Like Girls - Love Drunk Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable Owl City - Fireflies Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart Linkin Park - Shadow of The Day Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated Simple Plan - Perfect World Orianthi - According To You
chiaoz !
11:55 PM |
nak bangge kejap

Monday, March 15, 2010
"Actually your grammar is very good. I couldn't tell at all that English was your 2nd language and English is my only language :]] lol. and you have GREAT vocabulary. I love this story :]] keep it up!" -Believe.IT.Writers@fanfiction.net
MWAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (ktawe sambil bangge tahap maximum)
lolz.. it's too bad I didn't read and write a lot lately, I hope my English is still okay. hmm...
ohh btw I got A+ for English in SPM. I guess the examiner must love Twilight (because the hero is a vampire) or forbidden love (angel x vampire) or Ruruoni Kenshin anime (because the hero's name is Shinomori Aoshi) or fan girl type of heroine (because the heroine keep spazzing how hot and sexy the hero is) or he/she think my fantasy genre story is good. haha.
Cuz I always suck in Paper 2 (summary, literature etc). The only thing that always made me score is Paper 1 (essay) so that's it. In SPM I think I scored in Paper 1 more than Paper 2 =]
10:22 PM |
© wyona 2008

Heyys ;] The name's Sarah. jz Sarah. short name ryt? it's weird dat I hv lots of nickname O_o I tell ya, LOTS ! hahah XD
buh I dun care. as long as they don't call me b*tch or old hag whatsoever. hmm a lil summary bout myself.
I'm Chinese + Indonesian + Siamese + a lil Arabic. Althou I'm mixed 4 of them, I got Indonesian look. mwahaha ! XD (I want Chinese look T__T)
Form 5 Sulaimanian and I don't care if u say I look like 14/15/20 whatsoever. I wanna play bowling on 16th January. haha ;D
I'm a happy-go-lucky type. Sometimes childish. okay, not sometimes but often. lolz..
also, I'm always hungry. I dunno why. it just happen that after 2 hours, if I didn't eat anything, I'll become hungry and all I wanna do is eat. lmao XD
btw, I'm quite lazy. prove? look at my unfinished homeworkS XD
1st anime wallie

Thursday, March 25, 2010
My 1st anime wallie. Still, I'm not so great in making wallie. That's why I'd prefer make icons more. hee ;D but anyway I think it's not so bad. Lavi's expression fit the theme perfectly (or so I think..)Anyway, LAVI IS SO DAMN LUCKY !! CUZ HE'S THE FIRST ANIME CHARACTER THAT I MADE WALLPAPER FOR. lmao xDCredits;Ciel (if my eyes are that great to read small letter) for Lavi's pictureSabbat - Mythistory lyric for the sentence
muxic genre

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Finally, it's perfect. ho ho ho 8D----------------Anyway, my obsession is not Jaejoong lately. You know, no matter how much I love K-pop, J-Rock and metal, I can't escape from my real, true nature music genre; which are, Alternative Rock and Pop PunkBands like The All American Rejects, Simple Plan and Boys like Girls suit my genre PERFECTLY !!
While Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance suit my genre perfectly too, it's sometimes a bit too much. Nevertheless I enjoy their songs happily lol ^.^Backstreet Boys songs are sometimes too ballad-ish for me, but LOTS of their songs fit my soul (lol) perfectly because of the AWESOME lyrics. Not to mention I've been loving Backstreet Boys for more than 11 years.The current guy that I like is none other than Nickolas Gene Carter aka Nick Carter, the youngest member of Backstreet Boys. love him so much !! ^.^
current music: The All American Rejects - I Wanna The All American Rejects - Swing Swing We The Kings - Heaven Can Wait Backstreet Boys - I Still Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You Boys Like Girls - Love Drunk Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable Owl City - Fireflies Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart Linkin Park - Shadow of The Day Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated Simple Plan - Perfect World Orianthi - According To You
chiaoz !
nak bangge kejap

Monday, March 15, 2010
"Actually your grammar is very good. I couldn't tell at all that English was your 2nd language and English is my only language :]] lol. and you have GREAT vocabulary. I love this story :]] keep it up!" -Believe.IT.Writers@fanfiction.net
MWAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (ktawe sambil bangge tahap maximum)
lolz.. it's too bad I didn't read and write a lot lately, I hope my English is still okay. hmm...
ohh btw I got A+ for English in SPM. I guess the examiner must love Twilight (because the hero is a vampire) or forbidden love (angel x vampire) or Ruruoni Kenshin anime (because the hero's name is Shinomori Aoshi) or fan girl type of heroine (because the heroine keep spazzing how hot and sexy the hero is) or he/she think my fantasy genre story is good. haha.
Cuz I always suck in Paper 2 (summary, literature etc). The only thing that always made me score is Paper 1 (essay) so that's it. In SPM I think I scored in Paper 1 more than Paper 2 =]
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire