Surely Now

Friday, August 6, 2010
Haha nothing. Just, regardin the post "Nak Bangge Kejap", it's true that I scored in Paper 1 (for English)because I just knew that the grade for 1119, the one that the non-malay examiner marks, is actually there on our SPM slip paper. (I just knew last night, what the heck? SPM result was in March !!)and I got 1A. is it the highest grade? I guess...but well, it doesn't matter now. because as this moment, I THINK MY ENGLISH HAS BECOME SUCKS AND TERRIBLE HORRIBLE VEGETABLE !! lol xDaahhhhhh seriously, I need to speak English with that Iranian girl more often. hmm... yeah...chow.
12:29 AM |
© wyona 2008

Heyys ;] The name's Sarah. jz Sarah. short name ryt? it's weird dat I hv lots of nickname O_o I tell ya, LOTS ! hahah XD
buh I dun care. as long as they don't call me b*tch or old hag whatsoever. hmm a lil summary bout myself.
I'm Chinese + Indonesian + Siamese + a lil Arabic. Althou I'm mixed 4 of them, I got Indonesian look. mwahaha ! XD (I want Chinese look T__T)
Form 5 Sulaimanian and I don't care if u say I look like 14/15/20 whatsoever. I wanna play bowling on 16th January. haha ;D
I'm a happy-go-lucky type. Sometimes childish. okay, not sometimes but often. lolz..
also, I'm always hungry. I dunno why. it just happen that after 2 hours, if I didn't eat anything, I'll become hungry and all I wanna do is eat. lmao XD
btw, I'm quite lazy. prove? look at my unfinished homeworkS XD
Surely Now

Friday, August 6, 2010
Haha nothing. Just, regardin the post "Nak Bangge Kejap", it's true that I scored in Paper 1 (for English)because I just knew that the grade for 1119, the one that the non-malay examiner marks, is actually there on our SPM slip paper. (I just knew last night, what the heck? SPM result was in March !!)and I got 1A. is it the highest grade? I guess...but well, it doesn't matter now. because as this moment, I THINK MY ENGLISH HAS BECOME SUCKS AND TERRIBLE HORRIBLE VEGETABLE !! lol xDaahhhhhh seriously, I need to speak English with that Iranian girl more often. hmm... yeah...chow.
Just my ramblings;
i'm thinking of you
day and night
even though you don't speak a word
your voice is still in my head
do you know i think of you everyday?
do you even know my love for you?
i wish you know how much i love you...
- Claire